Credit Reports & Alerts

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    Credit Report 1 Bureau + Score

    Get instant access to your full credit report and updated credit score from one of the national credit bureau to see what lenders may see about you.

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    Credit Score Tracker

    Score Tracker plots all your credit scores on an easy-to-read graph allowing you to follow movement and trends that may occur over time.

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    Credit Score Factors

    We will show you the six main score factors contributing to your credit score and where you stand helping you make smart decisions with you credit and finances.

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    Credit Alerts

    Our credit alerts will quickly show you the basic changes that can occur on your credit file like address changes, new accounts, derogatories and inquiries into your credit.

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    Credit Score Simulator

    With Score Simulator you can see what different, common credit actions might do to your current credit score. You can simulate opening new lines of credit, missing payments, paying off debt and more.

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    Credit ScoreSight

    Select your target score or the amount of debt you'd like to pay down then see what immediate actions can maximize your score.

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    Credit Protection

    Credit Lock puts you in control of your credit file allowing you to lock and unlock your own credit file with the flip of a switch. We will keep it safe from views unless you unlock it and allow a creditor to see your personal credit file.

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    User Insights Snapshot

    Our snapshot summarizes the most important attributes of the credit file into an at-a-glance format allowing you to make the best decisions on your customers.

ID Protection

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    ID Theft Insurance & Restoration

    Our industry-leading protection, with zero deductible, reimburses you for lost wages, legal defense and expenses, and other costs associated with restoring your identity. Identity Restoration service assists with the identity restoration process by providing step-by-step instructions you can easily follow to repair and restore your identity.

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    SSN Monitoring

    Our real-time monitoring looks for use of your SSN in bank and payday loan transactions, employment and health care records, tax filings and online document signing and payment platforms. You are alerted at the time of the transaction giving you time to proactively control your identity.

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    Dark Web Monitoring

    We constantly scan millions of servers, online chat rooms, message boards and websites across the surface, deep and dark web in search of fraudulent use of your personal information. We alert you in real-time should if your identity is compromised.

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    Change of Address Monitoring

    We help you catch unauthorized changes to your current or past addresses by monitoring the National Change of Address (NCOA) database and U.S. Postal Service records and alerting you instantly if such changes are detected.